Sunday, April 4, 2010

again, trying for a retro poster thing, didnt really happen

a thought I had while making this was:
It's interesting how different the connotations of the words home and house are.

trying to make old looking photos, didnt really work

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

student section for game against cornell

can you spot me?

"This young man was encouraging passersby to join the "American Society for the Protection of Tradition, Family, and Property"—presumably in that order—a Catholic lay organization (heh) whose chief campaign right now is to stop the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Because what screams, "I'm not gay!" like a red cape?"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Proposal for my Final Project for Urban Studies

For my urban studies class the final project is to do a research project and put it into blog form. This is my topic proposal for the project:

I want my final project to be a study of a specific city that exemplifies the idea that housing should not be the primary objective of developmental projects. Instead, strong and widespread economic growth should be the focus, and with the success of this goal, better housing will follow naturally.

There is a huge focus on providing the people in the slums with better housing, but these texts never address the question of, “if we were to succeed in putting everyone in “better” housing, where would we go from there?” The act of putting someone in a different location or inside a different structure does not necessarily have an effect on their job, their income, their education, their ability to move throughout the city, their political influence, or their potential for socio-economic mobility. New housing has a massive financial cost to the provider (presumably the government) yet it fails to address the root causes for why the poor need these new assistance in the first place.

Public housing sometimes starts dilapidated but even when it starts in good condition there is little political or economic incentive to keep the housing in good conditions. In addition, even if the physical structure is well built, the housing may not meet the most important needs of the people, from the people’s perspective. This disparity between the perceived needs and the actual needs seems to be related to the hierarchy that Davis describes among NGOs.

So far a few cities stand out as possible subjects for the project. In Bangkok, Davis reported that the poor actively preferred their slums to public housing blocks. In Jakarta, the poor complained that the public housing didn’t meet their needs because there was no access to workshop space. Finally, in Lagos there is evidence of the creative energy of the slums and their restrictions because of a lack of infrastructure. Thus far I don’t know enough about these cities to say if they are a good match, so as the semester continues I will continue looking into these cities and keep an eye out for better potential matches.

how schools kill creativity

Saturday, February 20, 2010

farm on a roof

I dont know how much truth their is to the stuff the lady in the video says, but the idea is really cool and the views are awesome.

Friday, February 19, 2010

mmm lobster roll

This comes from a vimeo profile that has lots of other little videos about local tasty food makers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

internship fair

Tomorrow there is a internship fair on campus and amongst the mass of investment banking firms there is the biggest branding consultancy in the world, Interbrand. I looked through their website and they do consulting for companies like BMW, Prada, and Nikon among many many more. We'll see how they respond when I go up to them and tell them that I am perfect for the job and they must give it to me.

new cleats!

what a cool person!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

amazing tv ads from the last couple weeks

These two ads are very different, but both are extremely effective. They both give that butterfly feeling I get when I see something that really clicks. There's currently a better audi ad on tv but I couldn't find a clip of it. Sorry, can't make the video fit in the screen!

profile type photos

These are really great photos to accompany a profile type article. I don't always like photo-shoot type portfolios but these feel a lot more artistic than typical PR stock photos.

I didn't read through the words that accompany the photos so I can't vouch for writing.

Monday, February 15, 2010

matt and kim

this link is a video of a whole 30 minute concert of Matt and Kim playing at an outdoor concert in Brooklyn two summers ago. They're so cool. The video gets you really excited cause of how awesome they are, and then sad that you aren't there right now.

urban studies blog

My urban studies class has this website where every week we are supposed to post an image that relates to the class. There are a lot of really interesting photos of slums, urban landscapes, etc. so over time the site should have a nice pile of photos to check out. Nothing is posted yet, but the first batch of photos should be up by tomorrow.

the photo is the cover of one of the books for the class.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010


So when I was doing this in illustrator the graininess of the image was a lot more evident and it looked really grungy and old and nice. When I saved it as a pdf it became a lot cleaner and the circles and stuff became clearer and more obviously made in illustrator which I'm a little disappointed about. At some point I think I'll try it again and make the original photo in photoshop a lot grainier so the illustrator work remains more hidden.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

crazy yacht design

check out the photos on the website:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

new hampshire surfing

I just found this guy's vimeo account. He has some cool little videos of the new hampshire coastline and people surfing.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

long day of travel

After my last final, two trains, and a lonely wait in penn station, I started getting weird 2 hours into the third train ride of my return trip from dirty jerz.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


My first 3 attempts at painting. The first is a reproduction of a Cezanne painting. The second got chosen by the kids in my class to be in the winter art show.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

GREAT site, cool tutorials

makin' stuff

Julia you were talking about making stuff this summer, here's a cool little website about makin' stuff. None of the things is that great but it's a bunch of videos of people making stuff. A lot of them are surf related but some aren't. The one about block print making could be fun to do.

Korduroy – DIY Surfing

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

some photos

Happy new year! I just downloaded my camera memory card for the first time in like 9 months. These are a couple photos from last summer in barcelona and last week in amsterdam.